Microbiome in ASD conference
1st International Symposium on the Microbiome in Health and Disease with a Special Focus on Autism
Presentation 1: Introduction-International Symposium on the Microbiome and Autism (Mr. John Rodakis and Dr. Richard Frye).
Presentation 2: Microbiome and the Environment (Dr. Carl Cerniglia).
Presentation 3: The Human Gut Microbiota: Forgotten Organ, Important Ally (Dr. Emma Allen-Vercoe).
Presentation 4: The Gut and the Brain: A Scandinavian way of approaching autism (Dr. Tore Midtvedt).
Presentation 5: The (Potential) Role of Fauna and Flora Disruption in the Human Body as Constituents to the Development of Autism (Dr. William Parker).
Presentation 6: Gut Bacteria in Children with Autism (Dr. Jim Adams and Dr. Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown).
Presentation 7: Gut Bacteria Metabolites as Possible Environmental Triggers of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Dr. Derrick MacFabe).
Presentation 8: The Influence of Microbiome Metabolites on Mitochondrial Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Dr. Richard Frye).
Presentation 9: PANDAS: A Medical Model for OCD (and Autism?) (Dr. Susan Swedo).
Media Contact: John Slattery
Email: jcslattery@uams.edu

WHAT is it all about
Clinicians, researchers and those with a general interest are invited to attend this exciting symposium with world renowned speakers investigating the microbiome in health and disease with a special focus on how microbiome abnormalities may underlie some types of Autism and how manipulating the microbiome may help elucidate mechanisms of this challenging disorder and pave a path towards new treatments for affected children.

Invited Speakers
Various world class presenters will be giving invited talks about the microbiome in health and disease and how alterations in the microbiome may give rise to behavioral abnormalities in autism. Click the names to the right or the Speakers Bio/Meet the Speakers tabs to see more information on the presenters.

More Information
For more information on the Invited Speakers, Click Here